- Dr. Bernhards `BB` Blumbergs, University of Latvia, Latvia (Nov. 2022 - Nov. 2024)
- Jema David Ndibwile, Carnegie Mellon University, America (July. 2024 - Aug. 2024)
- Md.Mahbubur Rahman, Military Institute of Science and Technology(MIST), Bangladesh (May. 2023 - May. 2024)
- Dr. Budi Rahmadyas, Assistant Prof at Dept. Computer Engineering, Faculty of Technology Information, Andalas University, Indonesia (01 - 14 Feb. 2024)
- Dr. Hossen Asiful Mustafa, Institute of Information and Communication Technology (IICT), Bangladesh (Sep. - Nov. 2022)
- Dr. Monowar Hussain Bhuyan, Umeå University, Sweden (Apr. - Dec. 2019)
- Assoc. prof. Zonghua Zhang, IMT Lille Douai, Institut Mines-Telecom, France (Apr. - Sep. 2018)
- Dr. Georgios Christou, Institute of Computer Science of the Foundation for Research and Technology, Greece (Mar. 2018)
- Dr. Abdoul Aziz Ciss, Ecole Polytechnique de Thies, Senegal (Feb. 2018)
- Dr. Andrew Witson M'manga, Bournemouth University, England (Jan. - Feb. 2018)
- Prof. John Ayade, Southern Institute of Technology New Zealand, New Zealand (Sep. 2017)
- Prof. Gabor Lencse, Szechenyi Istvan University, Hungary (June - Dec. 2017)
- Senior Lecturer Niswar Muhammad, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia (Aug. - Nov. 2017)
- Prof. Rudi Tranquillini, University of Trento, Italy (2016)
- Prof. Shaoning Pang, Unitec Institute of Technology (Oct. 2012 - Jan. 2013)
- Prof. Vasaka Visoottiviseth, Mahidol University (Jun. - Aug. 2012)
- Alamgir Md Hossain, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh (Oct. 2024 - Nov. 2024)
- Luca Giovanni Jung, Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts, German(Apr. - Sep. 2024)
- Guillain Le Goff, École nationale supérieure d'ingénieurs de Caen - ENSICAEN, France(Apr. - Aug. 2024)
- Paul Nguyen, École nationale supérieure d'ingénieurs de Caen - ENSICAEN, France (Apr. - Aug. 2024)
- Engel Justin James, Arkansas Tech University, USA (May. - Aug. 2023)
- Daune Felix, École publique d'ingénieures et ingénieurs Centre de recherche, France (May. - Aug. 2023)
- Hossain Md Sharafat, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) (May. - Aug. 2023)
- 鈴木 友也, 早稲田大学 (Aug. - Sep. 2021)
- Bernard Ousmane Sane, University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar, Senegal (Jun. 2019 - Mar. 2021)
- Cheikh Saliou Mbacke Babou, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Senegal (Jun. 2019 - Mar. 2021)
- 東雲 由樹, 同志社大学 (Feb. 2021)
- Alexandre Quoniou, IMT Lile Douai, France (Apr. - Jul. 2020)
- 向田 朋樹, 近畿大学 (Mar. 2020)
- Andi Wijaya, Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia (Jan. - Mar. 2020)
- Matthias Baudlet, Telecom SudParis, France (Oct. 2019 - Mar. 2020)
- Baptiste Tabary, Telecom SudParis, France (Mar. - Sep. 2019)
- 元田 匡哉, 鳥取大学 (Aug. - Sep. 2019)
- Rémi Taunay, Polytech Nantes, France (May. - Aug. 2019)
- Vorameth Reantongcome, Mahidol University, Thailand (Jun. - Aug. 2019)
- Nualrath Pojsomphong, Mahidol University, Thailand (Jun. - Aug. 2019)
- Serigne Mouhamadane Diop, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Senegal (Feb. - Jul. 2019)
- Muhammad Arief Wicak, Hasanuddin University, Indonasia (Mar. - Jun. 2019)
- Mbaye Babacar, Alioune DIOP University of Bambey, Senegal (Mar. - May. 2019)
- Dimitris Deyannis, Institute of Computer Science - FORTH, Greece (Feb. - Apr. 2019)
- Nissy Sombatruang, University College London, England (Jan. - Mar. 2019)
- Loïc Jézéquel, Telecom Sud Paris, France (Oct. 2018 - Mar. 2019)
- Erwan Goareguer, Telecom Sud Paris, France (Jun. - Sep. 2018)
- Muhammad Rizky Eka Arlin, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia (Jun. - Aug. 2018)
- Nappaphol Siriphun, Mahidol University, Thailand (Jun. - Aug. 2018)
- Kritsada Sunthornwutthikrai, Mahidol University, Thailand (Jun. - Aug. 2018)
- Balazs Barna, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary (Dec. 2017 - Jun. 2018)
- Nissy Sombatruang, University College London, England (Oct. 2017 - Apr. 2018)
- Dimitris Deyannis, University of Crete, Greece (Oct. 2017 - Dec. 2018)
- Cheikh Saliou Mbacke BABOU, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Senegal (Oct. 2017 - Mar. 2018)
- Aaron Boal, Southern Institute of Technology New Zealand, New Zealand (Sep. - Nov. 2017)
- Matthew Pope, Southern Institute of Technology New Zealand, New Zealand (Sep. - Nov. 2017)
- Hilgard du Preez, Southern Institute of Technology New Zealand, New Zealand (Sep. - Nov. 2017)
- David Cartman, Southern Institute of Technology New Zealand, New Zealand (Sep. - Nov. 2017)
- Jesse Lilley, Southern Institute of Technology New Zealand, New Zealand (Sep. - Nov. 2017)
- Britney Huxford, Southern Institute of Technology New Zealand, New Zealand (Sep. - Nov. 2017)
- Nelson Egadu, Southern Institute of Technology New Zealand, New Zealand (Sep. - Nov. 2017)
- Andrew Alexander Hamilton, Southern Institute of Technology New Zealand, New Zealand (Sep. - Nov. 2017)
- Wongvises Chanoksuda, Mahidol University, Thailand (Jun. - Aug. 2017)
- Phetchai Ponpat, Mahidol University, Thailand (Jun. - Aug. 2017)
- Kosol Yudhthasarn Pongjarun, Mahidol University, Thailand (Jun. - Aug. 2017)
- Herbez Cyril, Telecom Sud Paris, France (Apr. - Sep. 2017)
- Mustafizur Rahman Shahid, Telecom Sud Paris, France (Apr. - Sep. 2017)
- Enriquez Donado Hugo Gerardo, Galileo University, Guatemala (Jan. 2017)
- Bernard Ousmane Sane, University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar, Senegal (Jan. 2017)
- Sarizima Manel, Andalas University, Indonesia (Sep. 2016)
- Engkawong Rinlada, Mahidol University, Thailand (Jun. - Aug. 2016)
- Ketburom Phachara, Mahidol University, Thailand (Jun. - Aug. 2016)
- Poramesanaporn Shotirose, Mahidol University, Thailand (Jun. - Aug. 2016)
- Nitish Reekoye, Telecom SudParis, France (Apr. - Sep. 2016)
- Pierre-Emmanuel Nicolas, Telecom SudParis, France (Jun. - Sept. 2015)
- Krisanapong Eiumtrakul, Mahidol University, Thailand (Jun. - Aug. 2015)
- Pimpakarn Chuenchujit, Mahidol University, Thailand (Jun. - Aug. 2015)
- Suthida Lertviriyasawat, Mahidol University, Thailand (Jun. - Aug. 2015)
- Chanthawat Rattanapongphan, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (Jun. - Jul. 2015)
- Pernelle Mensah, Telecom SudParis, France (Apr. - Sep. 2015)
- James Peter Donaldson, Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand (Jan. - Feb. 2015)
- Jordan Rae Elley, Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand (Jan. - Feb. 2015)
- Kuan-Hung (Jerry) Lee, Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand (Jan. - Feb. 2015)
- Mostafa Biglari-Abhari, Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand (Jan. - Feb. 2015)
- Taalili Petelo, Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand (Jan. - Feb. 2015)
- Robert Fourie, Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand (Jan. - Feb. 2015)
- Vichar Singh Hora, Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand (Jan. - Feb. 2015)
- Jema David Ndibwile, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad, India (Nov. 2014 - Jun. 2015)
- Sybile Nivon, Telecom SudParis, France (Oct. 2014 - Feb. 2015)
- Tanapol Rattanapichetkul, Mahidol University, Thailand (Jun. - Aug. 2014)
- Soranut Midtrapanon, Mahidol University, Thailand (Jun. - Aug. 2014)
- Pawit Pornkitprasan, Mahidol University, Thailand (Jun. - Aug. 2014)
- Kodai Fujii, Tokuyama College of Technology, Japan (Jun. - Aug. 2014)
- Vincent Danche, Telecom SudParis, France (Apr. - Sep. 2014)
- Shoya Taguchi, Tokuyama College of Technology, Japan (Jun. - Aug. 2013)
- Kantiya Junhom, Mahidol University, Thailand (Jun. - Jul. 2013)
- Navaporn Chockwanich, Mahidol University, Thailand (Jun. - Jul. 2013)
- Warit Mekareeya, Mahidol University, Thailand (Jun. - Jul. 2013)